Caught In a Snare: Overcoming Sin’s Firm Grip

Caught in sin's firm grip

Caught In a Snare: Overcoming Sin’s Firm Grip “My eyes are ever on the LORD, for only he will release my feet from the snare.” Psalm 25:15 I have something that I need to admit to all of you… I’m a sinner. I’m sure that comes as no surprise to you, but I was always […]

The Gifts of the Magi: Clues to the True Nature of Christ

Gifts of the Magi to Christ the King

The Gifts of the Magi: Clues to the True Nature of Christ “After Jesus was born in Bethlehem in Judea, during the time of King Herod, Magi from the east came to Jerusalem and asked, “Where is the one who has been born king of the Jews? We saw his star when it rose and […]

3 Biblical Principles About Thankfulness

Biblical principles of thankfulness

3 Biblical Principles About Thankfulness With Thanksgiving upon us, it’s that time of year once again to slow down, reflect, and be thankful for all the blessings in our lives. If we’re being honest, though, how many of us really do this? I know I’m guilty of skipping a side of thankfulness on my way […]

How To Trust in God Even When We’re Afraid

Trusting God even when we're afraid

How To Trust in God Even When We’re Afraid By now, I’m sure we’ve all heard or seen the news of the unprovoked and savage attack on the people of Israel by the terrorist group Hamas. This seems to be a regular occurrence these days. Almost daily in our world, evil reaches out its wretched […]

How to Let Your Life Be Worship: Surrendering It All to Jesus

Woman worshipping with hands raised

How to Let Your Life Be Worship: Surrendering It All to Jesus If you’re anything like me, your devoted time with God can feel magical—abounding in real faith and the promise that your life will reflect God’s perfect will—and leave you with the feeling that you’re ready to take on the world. And then you […]

If God Exists and Is So Loving, Why Does He Allow Bad Things To Happen?

9/11 memorial - why does God allow bad things to happen?

If God Exists and Is So Loving, Why Does He Allow Bad Things to Happen? If you’re a Christian who has been sharing the Gospel long enough, you’ve probably encountered this question numerous times. If you’re not a Christian, then you’ve likely asked this question to a Christian friend or pondered it at least a […]

Is It OK to be Christian and Depressed?

Is it OK to be Christian and depressed?

Is It OK To Be Christian and Depressed? I went to the doctor recently to be seen about an issue that I’ve been having. I won’t go into detail, as it makes me feel old, but at 40 it’s become my new reality. As I sat on the examination table, shifting left and right in […]

Created to Create: How God Created Us In His Image to be Creative Beings

Created to Create

Created to Create: How God Created Us In His Image to be Creative Beings I don’t remember many of the routine days that collectively make up the story of my past, but some stick as vividly in my mind as the opening sentences of the Declaration of Independence that we were all made to recite […]